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    Last Among Equals

    September 29, 2017Documentaries

    Blessed but still not equal.

    (1×30’) BBC 2


    Presented by: Mark Tully
    Filmed, Produced and Directed by: Yugesh Walia & Sunandan Walia
    Film Editor: Yugesh Walia





    Mark Tully reveals the scandal of caste within the Christian church in India. He travels to Chennai and to villages in South India to discover that the inequities of the caste system, which the early converts from Hinduism had tried to escape, still pervade the lives of their descendants.





    (Mark) Tully is a marvellous broadcaster of the old school, a Bucknell of current affairs, who tells the story and refuses to become part of it. – The Times


    It was a thoughtful half-hour, this, with Tully making no comments, letting the Indians talk for themselves. This journalism is TV’s backbone and Tully was his impeccable self. – Birmingham Post